Franchise Partner



    Food service and/or retail experience


    Multi-unit concept portfolio company


    Proven track record of securing high quality real estate


    Shared values


Up-front development fee per restaurant US$10,000 per restaurant commitment
Franchise fee per restaurant US$20.000
Initial term 10 years
Royalty 5%
Brand fund 1%
Local marketing minimun spend commitment 4%


Investment Information Chart

Investment Non Drive Thru Low End Avg High-End Avg Large Venue/Drive Thru
Development fee per restaurant US$10,000 US$10,000 US$10,000
Initial Franchise Fee (10 year term) US$20,000 US$20,000 US$20,000
Kitchen Plans and Architectural US$10,000 US$20,000 US$25,000
Professional Services/Permits & Licensing US$1,000 US$3,000 US$5,000
Security Deposits US$5,000 US$5,000 US$5,000
Leasehold Improvements US$312,000 US$375,000 US$565,000
Site Improvements - - US$275,000
Furniture, Decor, Equipment and Smallwares US$85,000 US$125,000 US$215,000
Signage US$15,000 US$25,000 US$35,000
Menu Boards US$3,000 US$5,000 US$30,000
POS System US$15,000 US$15,000 US$20,400
Management Training US$12,000 US$15,000 US$15,000
Opening Inventory US$5,000 US$10,000 US$12,000
Restaurant/Launch Marketing Plan US$10,000 US$20,000 US$20,000
Pre-Opening Mock Operations US$10,000 US$15,000 US$20,000
Insurance (3 Months) US$2,000 US$3,000 US$3,000
Additional Funds (3 Months) US$10,000 US$20,000 US$20,000
Total (Excluding Real Estate Purshase and Lease Costs) US$525,000 US$686,000 US$1,295,400

The cost data above is a summary of the experience of some of our franchisees in some of the countries we do business in. Your investment requirements may vary and could be lower or higher depending on the country and the supply chain for certain items. A more country-specific set of estimates will be provided to you during the franchise approval process.

Become A Franchise Partner